The X-Entertainment Advent Calendar - Wiki (20081220)
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December 20, 2008
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Knacks, Kuse, Mare, Paul, Waiterbot, Footrest, Texas Mandarin, Turquoise, George, Arcano, Striped Pig, Legotron, Box, Mista Snowman, Santa 2008, Alpha Omega, Badger, Janet, Reindeer, Doe, Deer Corpse, Giant Unicorn, Doctor, Fred, Cher, Tigerboy, Hare, Claire, Zombria, Barnum, Raccoon, Ted, Elephants, Lionesses

Notable Events: none

Calendar Gift:
Playmobile: Cats
Lego: Scooter of sorts

Plot: Waiterbot is yelling at the Lego characters to move a chair into place. He gets increasingly upset when they can't do it right. Faux Kuse comes in and tells him to quiet down as there's more important things to deal with at the moment. He talked to Mare about the deer that was killed, and she admits that if she just listened to him, things would have been better. They decide to go find the clown, and leave Mista Snowman in charge of the Calendar for today.

The battle ensues at the evil lair, with Cher trying to hold back both Hare and Claire. She grows tired, and they aren't sure what to do. Suddenly before Claire increases her power to provide the finishing blow, they are blast from the side. Knacks shouts that it's a miracle, and we see the clown led by Hssxxlllo. He unleashes more nose energy and disables Claire and Hare, then outright kills Zombria and Fred. They crew rejoices, but in uncertain about trusting the clown, and who the small rabbit is.

On their way home, they figure the clown must be on their side, and there has to be a reason that he killed the circus animals. Kuse lets the rabbit lead home, since only he is convinced that it is actually Hssxxlllo. At the circus, Mare finally decides to have another child with who she thinks is Kuse. The elephant and lioness look on.

At the Calendars, Ted had let himself out the day before since no one bothered going, and he was assembling today's gift much to Waiterbot's displeasure. Mista Snowman opened a box of cats, which were most likely really foxes.

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