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December 8, 2010
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Mista Snowman, Waiterbot, Officer Smith, Santa 2009, Horsey, Morris the Cat, Pear

Notable Events: none

Calendar Gift:
Playmobile: Morris the Cat and rats
Lego: Dog with Sausage

Plot: The new Mare sister appears to be psychotic, and is spraying pink hand energy all over the place. Mista Snowman figures someone should try and talk with her, so Waiterbot sends Charles over. He says one word and is blasted back with the energy. Mista then has an idea and knocks her out with his own ham energy.

They head home, and Santa is annoyed that he has yet again been waiting around all day for Mista to return home. Especially since he thinks his return was only because he got yesterday's gift, but Mista informs him that he did also get today's. When Waiterbot drags the new Mare sister's body through the door, Santa figures he will now be stuck here all year and uses the Lord's name in vain, much to Mista's disgust.

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