December 1, 2008
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Man Eating Chicken,
Mista Snowman,
James Lipton,
Giant Unicorn,
Alpha Omega,
Random Peacock
Notable Events:
Find out that the old mansion was destroyed by
Giant Coconut Crabs
Doctor and Waiterbetty are apparently missing
Calendar Gift:
Playmobile: Grassy Area
Lego: Man Eating Chicken
Plot: Hare announces to her sisters Claire that they've successfully escaped hell and regained their mortal bodies. Claire is apparently the master mind still, and seeks revenge on the heros. Victory will be soon enough, so they revel in their mental torture.
Waiterbot is at what appears to be a circus and is yelling at two elephants. He decrees to be their master and will rule them by using the loud sound from a horn to keep them in line. He instructs them to leave and never cross him. Then feels like he's been brought down a notch by only being master of large grey rats in essence.
We find out that Mare chose an abandoned circus as their hideout, since the mansion is apparently no longer around. We see the crew wandering about the grounds, and Knacks asks Mare if she's okay. She says she's worried about Kuse since the house was destroyed, as he's not talking much. Doctor and Waiterbetty are also assumed to be casualties in that attack.
Knacks reminds her about the Advent Calendars that she forgot about. He agrees to handle the Playmobile with Cher, and figures Box and Tigerboy might be good for lego. Mare finds the latter two too boring, so they search for a new team. Elsewhere, Hssxxlllo is with Kuse and trying to talk to him. Kuse sits mute, and Hssxxlllo gives up.
Waiterbot is back with some lionesses about to prod them with pitchforks. Mare rushes in and stops him then states that she wishes he take the role of opening the Lego Calendar. He refuses at first until she praises his muscle as a leader. He does request to not be paired with Mista Snowman, and Mare has already taken that into consideration and paired him with someone he hasn't worked with yet. In the background, James Lipton breakdances in celebration.
For the third year in a row, the
Burnt Christmas Tree is put back up, and Mista Snowman is checking it out since it's the most Christmassy thing in the circus. It then dawns on Mista that he's in a circus as that hadn't dawned on him up until that point.
At the Calendar, Knacks finally got away with Cher for some alone time. He wants to make out, but she thinks too much has gone one with the house destruction etc... Knacks says he's used to it by now, but she would rather just open the gift. It's the largest box to date, but just ends up being a plot of lawn with some bushes.
On the Lego side, James Lipton is slaughtering the lyrics to Hark the Herald song. Waiterbot tells him to shut up, and James ends up opening the box in the mean time revealing Man Eating Chicken.