The X-Entertainment Advent Calendar - Wiki (20071229)
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December 29, 2007
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Knacks, Kuse, Mare, Mista Snowman, Waiterbot, Waiterbetty, Legotron, Box, Cher, Random Peacock, Hssxxlllo, Tigerboy, James Lipton, Alpha Omega, Doctor, Man with Megaphone, Hare, Zombria, Deathra, Malformo, Claire

Notable Events: none

Calendar Gift:
Playmobile: n/a
Lego: n/a

Plot: The post-Christmas fallout is underway. Waiterbot is bitter that Cher got away, and Mista Snowman is getting on his nerves. Legotron is trying to get Box to drink a beer in order to have a decent drinking buddy.

Knacks and Cher are trying to get a photo for his default MySpace profile pic. Cher admits that in her dimension Facebook was the social site of choice. Across the house, Hssxxlllo is torn up over the things he's done, and is finding it difficult to live in the house.

Mare and Kuse chat discuss the year and wonder if things have truely settled, as evil always finds a way to crop up. Kuse tells her to not worry for a while, and just try to relax. Later James gathers everyone into a group, so he can take their picture.

After a fade to black, Hare is in Hell surrounded by zombies. Zombria greets her and asks if she wants revenge. Hare it skeptical, but looks in the basket before her and sees Claire, leading up the story arc for next year.

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