The X-Entertainment Advent Calendar - Wiki (20051225)
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< <-- Revision #2 --> >
December 25, 2005
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Kuse, Knacks, Mare, Legotron, Mista Snowman, Miss Snowman, Surf, Chef, Waiterbot, Waiterbetty, Christmas Goat, Horse, White Goose, Lego Santa 2005

Notable Events: none

Calendar Gift:
Playmobile: n/a
Lego: n/a

Plot: Knacks returns from his trip with Santa and details how everything is really true about Santa's yearly voyage. Since that about wraps it up, they all wave and wish you a Merry Christmas.

But as they fade away, the 24th box on the Lego calendar was ignored, and Lego Santa 2005 pops out.

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