The X-Entertainment Advent Calendar - Wiki (20061202)
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December 2, 2006
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Knacks, Kuse, Mare, Bird the Crow, Waiterbot, Waiterbetty, Legotron, Surf, Chef, Construction Worker

Notable Events: Waiterbot takes over the Lego calendar

Calendar Gift:
Playmobile: Bird the Crow
Lego: Car Accident Decorations

Plot: After only one day, Knacks' MySpace page has been hacked, thwarting one of his avenues for finding self-worth. He theorizes based on another comment from a MySpace friend, that this must be the work of Waiterbot.

Mare and Kuse head out to open the second Calendar box, but as they are chatting about eBay lexicon, they notice that on the front of the Calendar box, there is a huge painting of a Mare. They reason that this can't be good.

Knacks ends up at Snake Mountain where Watierbot lives and confronts him and his wife. Waiterbot has no idea what Knacks is talking about and shows him his new gig in charge of the Lego Advent Calendar. Waiterbot does try to offer the job back to Knacks if he wants it.

Kuse brings his box home to Legotron who is trying to convince Chef and Surf to give up their heads. In the box is a black crow, which is also a bad omen.

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